Hanna Wahmer
Iceland Queens
Un gioiello sul candore del bianco. Fashion Editor Enrica Ponzellini. Foto di Satoshi Saikusa.
Fuente: Vogue Italy
Iceland Queens
Un gioiello sul candore del bianco. Fashion Editor Enrica Ponzellini. Foto di Satoshi Saikusa.
Fuente: Vogue Italy
Colección 2012
Fuente: Berta Bridal
Helen Rose from MGM’S costume department designed the royal wedding gown as MGM had a policy of providing their stars with their wedding dresses (this was done not only for publicity but because the reputations of their leading ladies as married women were good for business). Grace Kelly was still under contract with MGM when she accepted Prince Rainier’s marriage proposal.
Fuente: The Symmetric Swan
Vestido de Novia de Alta Costura
Mar del Plata – Buenos Aires – Argentina
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Vestido de Novia de Alta Costura
Mar del Plata – Buenos Aires – Argentina
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